As per the stats,
about 30,000
Read this article by Forbes to know more
websites are hacked every day. This number is massive and we need to take precautions to keep our website secure to prevent hacks.
Let’s take a look at some common types of hack attempts.
Types of Hack Attempts
1. Phishing
Phishing is a very common form of hacking and in this method, the hacker replicates a legit website. When your customer visits your website to make a purchase or subscribe to your newsletter and enters their personal information like email, passwords, credit card information, etc., the hacker might steal their data. This can put your company’s goodwill at risk and break the customer’s trust.
2. Cookie Theft
As the name suggests, cookie theft involves the stealing of cookies stored in your browser using malicious software. You might be using cookies to understand your visitors’ intent, analyze their actions, or for displaying customized ads. The cookie may contain sensitive information such as your visitors’ browsing sessions, login credentials, and banking details. The hacker might misuse this information to defraud your customers. Which again, can put your company in jeopardy.
3. SQL Injection Attacks
If your website’s SQL database or library is vulnerable, the hacker can take advantage of it. They can access, change, insert, or delete data on your database. The database can include users’ credentials, order details, or other sensitive information.
4. DNS Spoofing
DNS spoofing, also known as DNS cache poisoning, is a hacking technique where the hacker redirects the visitors to a fake website. The fake website contains malware, and once the visitor lands on the website, their system can be infected.
5. Denial of Service
Denial of Service (DOS) or Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) is a hacking method that crashes the server by flooding it with fake requests, making the server unavailable. This blocks the administrator and visitors to access and visit the website.
6. Brute Force Attacks
A brute force attack is a form of hacking where the hackers perform trial and error to guess your login credentials. Hackers make a list of the commonly used passwords and combinations to target websites. So, if your password is easy to remember and commonly used, like “P@$$W)RD”, hackers can easily crack it and access your site.
There are many other techniques used by hackers to hack your site or make it malicious. But, the question is, how can you make your website secure and prevent such hacks on your site?
The answer – a
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